Today is a day of triumph for Ibsen. We are proud to announce that Ibsen has been awarded the title “Gazelle Company” in 2018 by Boersen, the leading financial newspaper in Denmark.
To achieve a “Gazelle Company” prize, a company should continuously grow and double its revenue in the course of four economic years, as well as a having a positive growth each of the four years.
We are naturally very excited about our fantastic results and, of course, we could not have done it without our supportive customers, so this one goes out to you too!
You can read more about this prestigious award and the regional conferences in the FAQ (in Danish) here. At each conference, Boersen finds a regional winner (which is the company with the highest growth in the region), a digital gazelle winner and a manufacturing gazelle winner. Ibsen will participate in the conference in Copenhagen, where the national winner is appointed in each category.