Phase mask cleaning services

Ibsen offers phase mask cleaning services

Phase mask contamination can occur through residue on the fiber that is transferred onto the phase mask during the writing process, and is also dependent on care of handling as well as environment cleanliness. Effective and regular phase mask cleaning can prolong the lifetime of your phase masks.

Ibsen Phase mask shipments include a suggestion for a regular, basic cleaning process including Acetone, IPA and De-ionized water. Important tips on using this process are:

  • Use semiconductor grade chemicals, to avoid adding residue and films

  • Use new batches of chemicals every time

  • Ensure wet-to-wet processing, so that the acetone does not dry out before it is removed by the IPA

  • Spin-drying is preferred, careful blow-drying can also be used

Class 10 clean room

Ibsen employs an extensive cleaning process. As an alternative to doing your own Phase mask cleaning, Ibsen offers you to benefit from our effective cleaning processes through the following service:

Ibsen cleaning service

Phase mask before cleaningAfter cleaning

Ibsen cleaning service includes the following:

  • Evaluation of Phase mask condition upon receival

  • Cleaning

  • Evaluation of Phase mask condition after cleaning

Clear results

Getting your phase masks cleaned guarantees a clear and very visual result. See the example of before and after the cleaning of a phase mask above.

Further information and ordering

For further information (we can provide a sample premium clean inspection report) or to request a quotation please contact Ibsen at

Which phase mask to use?

For further information or to request a quotation please contact us.

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Do you want to discuss your phase mask project with one of our experts? Please fill out the form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Just request a quotation and type in your special requirements, if you have any.