Awards and recognitions
Successful Business Award 2022
Ibsen Photonics have been recognized as a “Successful Business” for 2022 by Spar Nord and BDO.
Known as “Succesvirksomhed” in Danish, was established by Spar Nord – one of the largest banks in Denmark and BDO – one of the country’s largest consulting and auditing company. This business award pays tribute to the leading small and medium-sized Danish companies that contributes growth and prosperity in their local areas and to the Danish economy as a whole.
Factors for consideration include:
- Growth in their profit before tax over the past five years
- Equity ratio above 15% in the most recent financial year
- Growth in solvency measured over the past five years
- The ability to create results with the given capital base.

Børsen Gazelle Award 2021
2021 is another year of triumph for Ibsen. For the third time, Ibsen has been awarded the title “Gazelle Company” by “Børsen”, the leading financial newspaper in Denmark. We are proud to be recognized as one of the fast growing companies in Denmark in four years and for bringing home the iconic Gazelle trophy for year 2018, 2019 and 2021!
To achieve a “Gazelle Company” prize, a company has to double its revenue in four years, as well as having had a positive growth in each of the four years.
We would like to emphasize that it is the hard work and perseverance of our team that lead us to our continued positive result and growth. So, this goes to our dedicated colleagues who everyday strives to provide the highest level of quality products and customer service. And of course, we could not have done it without our supportive customers, so this award goes out to you too!
Congratulations to all the Gazelle Company Awardees 2021. We did it!