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Focus on UV detectors for HPLC


  Detectors for HPLC is the focus of this post, where we will get around HPLC and our FREEDOM UV-VIS spectrometer, which is a suitable UV detector for HPLC. We often hear that instrument manufacturers are constantly faced with the challenge to develop new instruments that offer the end-user: [list_item]Higher productivity through faster measurements[/list_item] [list_item]More compact instruments[/list_item] [list_item]Lower power consumption[/list_item] [list_item]Better thermal stability and ruggedness for out-of-the lab applications[/list_item]   At Ibsen we believe that we can help solve some of these issues - if not all of them, with detectors for HPLC, e.g our FREEDOM UV-VIS. But first, what

Developing high resolution OCT systems to diagnose glaucoma


Ibsen Photonics is participating in a EU Horizon 2020 project, GALAHAD, aimed at developing high resolution OCT for glaucoma diagnosis. GALAHAD stands for Glaucoma-Advanced, Label-Free High Resolution Automated OCT Diagnosis, and the project was initiated in December 2016. Ocular damage caused by glaucoma Glaucoma is a complicated disease in which damage to the eye’s optic nerve leads to progressive, irreversible vision loss. It is the second largest cause of blindness. It is not possible to cure glaucoma or restore lost vision, but disease progress can be halted with current methods, hence it is important to diagnose as early as possible.

Ibsen Innovations of 2016


[hr] Dear Reader, Christmas is here, and at Ibsen we look back at a great year, where we celebrated our 25 year anniversary. In 2016, we introduced several new innovative products such as our highly sensitive spectrometer for Raman applications - the EAGLE Raman-S. We also developed our own line of spectrometer electronics (DISB) offering fast and accurate timing. On the grating side, we released a number of new gratings for pulse stretching/compression as well as spectroscopy, while shipping 40% more gratings to customers than in 2015. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers, suppliers

Ibsen Photonics – 25 years


This year, Ibsen celebrates its 25 year anniversary. Celebrate with us on our social media platforms #Ibsen25   Follow us on Twitter  and LinkedIn 

FREEDOM at Antarctica


Dear Reader, You get freedom in your design, when you choose our FREEDOM spectrometer. FREEDOM provides many different configurations and detector options and it allows the flexibility to use your own electronics or to go with our plug-and-play electronics. In addition, it is so small that it fits almost any size constraints. In this newsletter, we are highlighting our popular FREEDOM HR-VIS-NIR mini Raman spectrometer! And, we believe your future Raman projects could benefit from an Ibsen FREEDOM HR-VIS-NIR spectrometer. This FREEDOM actually went to Lake Untersee, Antarctica, with University of Innsbruck, where Klemens Weisleitner captured this exciting image of the spectrometer in action. Click here and

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