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Ibsen Launches Ultra Compact UV Spectrometer


Dear Reader, With this newsletter, I want to make you aware of the new FREEDOM UV spectrometer from Ibsen Photonics, covering 190-435 nm in an ultra compact footprint. Also, I have had problems finding direct comparisons between typical detectors used for diode array spectrometers. Therefor e, we did some comparative measurements of Sensitivity and Signal-to-Noise on similar spectrometers using two different detectors - the SONY ILX511B and the Hamamatsu S10420 BT-CCD. Please follow the link below to a technical note summarizing the results. I hope the results will be as useful to you as they have been to me. Best regards, Thomas

FREEDOM goes Ultra Violet – Ibsen launches 190-435 nm UV spectrometer


For immediate release [h5]Press Release - Farum, May 1st, 2013[/h5] Ibsen Photonics (, the global leader in fused silica transmission gratings and industrial grade spectrometer modules, today announced the new FREEDOM UV spectrometer platform for OEM supply to manufacturers of analytical instruments. The FREEDOM platform combines compact size and cost efficiency with high performance and flexibility in choice of detector system. Due to its robustness and thermally stable operation, the FREEDOM UV spectrometer is particularly well suited for integration into high performance industrial instruments. The ultra compact size of only 25 x 48 x 16 mm makes FREEDOM one of

Two new spectrometers – FREEDOM 360-830 and ROCK 900-1700


Dear Reader, With this newsletter, I want to make you aware of two new spectrometer products from Ibsen Photonics. These are our ultra compact OEM spectrometer, FREEDOM VIS 360-830, and our flexible ROCK NIR 900-1700 spectrometer with very high throughput. I hope that you will find these products interesting, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Best regards, Thomas Rasmussen, VP Sales and Marketing [h3]FREEDOM VIS 360-830[/h3] New ultra compact OEM spectrometer The FREEDOM spectrometers combine compactness (28x45x16 mm) and low cost with high performance (low stray light and down to 1 nm resolution),

Ibsen Photonics introduces Compact, High Performance Spectrometer


For immediate release Press Release, Farum, March 6th, 2012 Ibsen Photonics (, a global leader in fused silica transmission gratings and spectrometer modules, today announced the FREEDOM spectrometer platform for OEM integrators of analytical instruments. The FREEDOM platform combines compact size and cost efficiency with high performance and flexibility in choice of detector systems. FREEDOM provides the same robust and thermally stable performance as Ibsen Photonics' ROCK spectrometer products. These benefits make FREEDOM especially well suited for integration into high performance portable and handheld instruments. The footprint of the FREEDOM platform is only 50 mm by 45 mm. In terms

Spectroscopy and Grating Technology Update from Ibsen


Dear reader, In this Ibsen Photonics Newsletter we address a wealth of different applications across all our product lines. For instance, the first section on our high efficiency PING gratings addresses such wide application areas as telecom wavelength selective switching, Raman spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, and fiber optical sensing. With one of the unique advantages of our fused silica transmission gratings being unmatched energy and power handling capabilities, this newsletter will include an update on the latest field results on this subject, which is especially relevant for users of our Phase masks and pulse compression gratings. The section on our

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