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Check out our Fluorescence Spectroscopy Tutorial Videos


  There are different types of spectroscopy methods that you can use, and it can be difficult to choose for a given application. However, when you are dealing with biological material such as analyzing plants, human and animal tissue or perhaps DNA, fluorescence spectroscopy is a good choice for you. Learn more about fluorescence spectroscopy by watching our series of tutorial videos by Dr. Thomas Rasmussen. In this series of tutorial videos, Dr. Thomas Rasmussen will talk about the basic principles of Fluorescence spectroscopy, common fluorophores & Instrumentation, typical applications, fluorescence resonance energy transfer known as FRET and more. So

Galahad Project Update


  The Galahad (Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics) project has received funding from Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under grant agreement No. 732613. Galahad's primary objective is to improve screening and basic diagnostics for glaucoma, which is a major cause of blindness throughout the world.The project will develop a non-contact method of examining the surface and sub-surface of the retina in real time without the need for anaesthetic. As a part of this project, Ibsen has designed and built a new spectrometer for ultra-high resolution OCT with broad wavelength range

A Video Presentation About Raman Spectroscopy


Now that fall season is here, don't get frustrated watching countless leaves fall from the trees, filling up your yard.  We suggest you relax and watch this presentation to gain knowledge about Raman. Raman spectrometers are traditionally high resolution, large and expensive spectrometers using deeply cooled cameras. However, Raman spectroscopy is experiencing strong growth in the form of handheld and compact portable instruments. In this video presentation, Thomas Rasmussen talks about Ibsen’s line of Raman OEM spectrometers from our ultra-high sensitivity EAGLE Raman-S to our ultra-compact FREEDOM-C. Enjoy watching and leave a comment!  

Ibsen Earns Gazelle Award 2 Years in a Row!


For the second year in a row Ibsen has been awarded the title “Gazelle Company” by Børsen, the leading financial newspaper in Denmark. To achieve a “Gazelle Company” prize, a company has doubled its revenue in four years, as well as having had a positive growth in each of the four years. Receiving the award for two consecutive years is indeed gratifying. We would like to emphasize that it is the hard work and perseverance of our team that lead us to our continued positive result and growth. We all certainly deserve a pat on the back for the great

The Proven Path to Ultra Compact Spectroscopy


    We have produced a number of prototypes of our recently launced ultra compact PEBBLE VIS spectrometer, and during the summer we start sending these out to our customers worldwide.   Ultra Compact PEBBLE VIS Spectrometers   PEBBLE VIS offers a cost effective and low risk solution for manufacturers of handheld and portable spectroscopy instruments for applications such as fluorescence and color measurements.   This spectrometer is based on the same proven diffraction grating technology used in all other Ibsen spectrometers. This ensures that PEBBLE can be manufactured in high quantities with very small unit-to-unit performance variation.   Find

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