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We are a proud member of EPIC!


  We are officially a corporate member of the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), the industry association that promotes the sustainable development of organizations working in the field of photonics in Europe. Together with other members from the photonics related technologies, we at Ibsen Photonics are committed to actively contribute to the technological and commercial advancement of the photonics industry in Europe. For more information about EPIC, read here.

Statement on Covid-19, Farum 2020


    These are special times. With this statement we would like to update you on the current status at Ibsen Photonics. At Ibsen Photonics the safety of our employees and our surrounding society is our top priority. We have taken extensive measures to reduce the risk of spreading the Corona virus, including a stop for traveling, external meetings, reinforcement of hand hygiene, and restrictions on person-to-person proximity. We have also asked everyone, who is able to work from home, to do so. For the time being, our manufacturing is running at full speed, materials are coming in as planned,

Check out our Fluorescence Spectroscopy Tutorial Videos


  There are different types of spectroscopy methods that you can use, and it can be difficult to choose for a given application. However, when you are dealing with biological material such as analyzing plants, human and animal tissue or perhaps DNA, fluorescence spectroscopy is a good choice for you. Learn more about fluorescence spectroscopy by watching our series of tutorial videos by Dr. Thomas Rasmussen. In this series of tutorial videos, Dr. Thomas Rasmussen will talk about the basic principles of Fluorescence spectroscopy, common fluorophores & Instrumentation, typical applications, fluorescence resonance energy transfer known as FRET and more. So

Measuring Fluorophores with our PEBBLE Spectrometer


  At the beginning of this year, our application specialist Rasmus Sterobo has been busy building a fluorescence front end demo for our ultra compact Pebble spectrometer. We couldn’t be happier with how things have progressed. He started out using one of our office plants as a test object and he managed to measure fluorescence from the chlorophyll in the leaves. Recently he extended his tests by measuring fluid fluorophores through the collaboration of the Department of Chemistry of Copenhagen University. The measurement was carried out on a variety of fluid fluorophores such as fluorescein, rhodamine, ADOTA, Cresyl Violet and

Ibsen Supports UppSense Team of Uppsala University


We at Ibsen Photonics want to give students the opportunity to develop their passion for science and innovation. In our ever-changing world, our youth must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve the complex challenges of the future. That’s why we jumped at the chance to be a partner of the UppSense team in investigating their topic of interest in the field of health sensors. UppSense is a group of motivated students at Uppsala University, who are participating in the SensUs Student Competition 2020. The goal of the team is to develop a biosensor for valproate, a valuable

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