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Ibsen Photonics acquired by FOSS


Press release - Copenhagen, August 23rd, 2010 Ibsen Photonics A/S and FOSS A/S today announced that FOSS has become main shareholder in Ibsen Photonics through a purchase of additional 73% Ibsen Photonics shares from existing shareholders. FOSS now owns around 85% of the shares in Ibsen. The investment reflects a growing partnership over the last years between the two companies. Kim Vejlby Hansen, Executive VP Innovation & Quality at FOSS and Chairman at Ibsen, explains: “We have worked with Ibsen for some years now and have found their spectrometer solutions to be second-to-none. This is partly based on exceptional grating

Ibsen Photonics enters the Spectroscopy market with the ROCK OEM spectrometer series


Press Release - Copenhagen, June 14th, 2010 For immediate release Copenhagen, Denmark – June 14th, 2010. Ibsen Photonics (, a global leader in fused silica, transmission gratings and spectrometer modules, today announced the ROCK series of industrial grade, robust OEM spectrometers for the VIS, Short-wave NIR, and NIR wavelength ranges. The ROCK spectrometers enable low-power sensing and fast spectral scans due to a high optical throughput. The special optical bench design furthermore allows for easy access to the detector. This feature enables customers to re-use their existing electronics for new equipment and thereby avoid expensive and time-consuming re-engineering. “The ease

Product release: pulse compression gratings with >94% efficiency


Product Release - Copenhagen, May 10th, 2010 Ibsen Photonics offers pulse compression gratings in 100% fused silica for high-power femtosecond laser pulse compression at 1000-1100 nm wavelengths with higher than 94% diffraction efficiency Ibsen Photonics, a leading supplier of holographic Phase masks, transmission diffraction gratings and spectrometer modules based on diffraction gratings, now offers pulse compressions with exceptionally high diffraction efficiency. Kristian Buchwald, VP - Grating Business Unit comments: "Our fused silica pulse compression gratings have been well received by customers working with high-power femtosecond applications, where laser manufacturers have been hitting the energy ceiling of grating types available prior

FOSS and Ibsen in strategic collaboration


[h5]Press Release - Copenhagen, December 15th, 2008 [/h5] Joint Press Release from FOSS A/S and Ibsen Photonics A/S December 15th 2008. FOSS A/S and Ibsen Photonics announce today that FOSS has become shareholder in Ibsen Photonics through an increase in capital such that FOSS owns 12.5% of the shares in Ibsen. This investment follows a close collaboration on development and manufacturing of spectrometer modules for the next generation of certain FOSS analytical solutions. The investment reflects a growing partnership between the two companies, as both companies see potential in the combination of FOSS’ know-how concerning dedicated analytical solutions and Ibsen’s expertise

Ibsen Photonics releases a 1310 nm version of PING gratings


Press Release - Copenhagen, September 11th, 2008 Ibsen Photonics has released a 1310 nm version of its PING (polarization independent) telecom gratings Ibsen Photonics, a leading supplier of holographic Phase masks, fused silica transmission gratings and optical spectrometer modules based on transmission gratings, today announced it's release of a new 1310 nm band version of it's PING gratings (Polarization Independent telecom gratings.) PING-1310 gratings will be produced on an OEM basis to specific customer requirements, but with standard specifications PING-1310 gratings offer >90% diffraction efficiency, <0.25 dB PDL and <0.25 dB WDL - just as the 1550 nm band PING

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