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Ibsen Supports UppSense Team of Uppsala University


We at Ibsen Photonics want to give students the opportunity to develop their passion for science and innovation. In our ever-changing world, our youth must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to solve the complex challenges of the future. That’s why we jumped at the chance to be a partner of the UppSense team in investigating their topic of interest in the field of health sensors. UppSense is a group of motivated students at Uppsala University, who are participating in the SensUs Student Competition 2020. The goal of the team is to develop a biosensor for valproate, a valuable

Your Guide for Volume Production of Spectrometers


    Building one spectrometer might not seem overwhelming for anyone. But what do you do if this spectrometer is going to be produced in volume quantities? Building and maintaining a volume production with high and consistent performance requires much, much more. If you need help thinking through your options, we recommend reading our recently published white paper entitled “Anyone Can Build One Spectrometer”. In this white paper, we share key insights based on Ibsen Photonics’ extensive knowledge and focus on mass production of spectrometers. Hopefully, by the time you finish reading this brief guide, you will have a clear understanding of

Galahad Project Update


  The Galahad (Glaucoma – Advanced, LAbel-free High resolution Automated OCT Diagnostics) project has received funding from Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under grant agreement No. 732613. Galahad's primary objective is to improve screening and basic diagnostics for glaucoma, which is a major cause of blindness throughout the world.The project will develop a non-contact method of examining the surface and sub-surface of the retina in real time without the need for anaesthetic. As a part of this project, Ibsen has designed and built a new spectrometer for ultra-high resolution OCT with broad wavelength range

DISB-101T Electronics

Ibsen Upgrades Spectrometer Electronics for CMOS Sensors


For immediate release Press Release, Farum, October 29, 2019 Digital Image Sensor Board DISB-101T from Ibsen Ibsen Photonics (, the global leader in fused silica transmission gratings and industrial grade spectrometer modules, today announced two new electronics options. The first being an upgraded version of the OEM electronics for their spectrometers and the second is a new, fast, and compact DISB-USB Bridge board. Digital Image Sensor Board (DISB) 101T is an upgraded version of the current DISB-101S and comes with an SPI interface, which makes it ideal for easy integration into your instrument. It offers fast read out – up

A Video Presentation About Raman Spectroscopy


Now that fall season is here, don't get frustrated watching countless leaves fall from the trees, filling up your yard.  We suggest you relax and watch this presentation to gain knowledge about Raman. Raman spectrometers are traditionally high resolution, large and expensive spectrometers using deeply cooled cameras. However, Raman spectroscopy is experiencing strong growth in the form of handheld and compact portable instruments. In this video presentation, Thomas Rasmussen talks about Ibsen’s line of Raman OEM spectrometers from our ultra-high sensitivity EAGLE Raman-S to our ultra-compact FREEDOM-C. Enjoy watching and leave a comment!  

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