[h5]Press Release – Copenhagen, January 12th, 2006 [/h5]

Ibsen Photonics has been awarded patent for multi-grating-based wavelength division multiplexing devices

Ibsen Photonics, a leading supplier of holographic Phase masks, transmission diffraction gratings and optical spectrometer modules based on diffraction gratings, today announced that it has been granted United States Patent # 6,978,062, titled “Wavelength Division Multiplexed Device”.

The technology is based on using multiple transmission gratings to provide high dispersion, while at the same time taking advantage of the beam-folding properties of transmission gratings to create compact module designs.

“Our optical module products – for example FBG Sensor System Interrogators and DWDM Optical Channel Monitors are uniquely high performance and compact simultaneously” says Bjarke Rose, Spectrometer Module Product manager at Ibsen, and adds: “our internally produced fused silica transmission gratings are instrumental as they exhibit exceptional angular tolerance.”

Torben Jacobsen, President and CEO comments: “This is a prime example of how our strategy of combining world-leading grating technology with innovative optical design capabilities allows us to offer optical spectrometer modules with great performance on points that by traditional thinking required trade-offs.”

[h5]About Ibsen Photonics [/h5]

Ibsen Photonics is a leader in Phase masks and transmission gratings for a wide range of telecom and laser markets. The grating technology is leveraged in Ibsen’s optical spectrometer modules for FBG sensor interrogation systems and telecom DWDM networks. Ibsen Photonics furthermore is pursuing partnerships in other industries to expand their Diffractor platform based on Ibsen pure fused silica holographic diffraction gratings.

[h5]For further information [/h5]

Kristian Buchwald
Ibsen Photonics A/S
Phone: +45 44347000
