Whistleblower Policy
At Ibsen Photonics, we are committed to the highest levels of ethics and integrity in the way we do business. We understand that this is crucial to our reputation and continued success.
Therefore we have implemented a Whistleblower System to give our customers, distributors, and employees the possibility to report observations regarding suspected violations of the law or other unethical behaviour. All reports are treated confidentially.
Our Whistleblower System is a combination of policy and guidance combined with a whistleblower portal and a setup for handling reported matters. Every violation report is important and helps Ibsen to conduct business according to our ethical standards, and to prevent economic losses and damage to our reputation.
Ibsen Photonics is part of the Foss group and uses the Foss whistleblower portal. In order for your report to be correctly directed to Ibsen’s compliance team, please answer ”Ibsen Photonics” to the question ”In which company did the incident take place”.
We encourage you to provide your name in the report. Regardless of whether you do so, please open a secure post box in your report by ticking the blue box at the bottom and choosing a password. This makes it safe and easy for us to communicate confidentially with you, after you have entered a report.
Please refer to Ibsen’s Whistleblower Policy for further details before filing a report.
We appreciate your help in ensuring Ibsen’s integrity and reliability.